Thank you so much for a splendid event on Sunday.
We have had some lovely “thank you” messages from our guests, who all thoroughly enjoyed it.
I wanted to share one with you… please see attached…
Best Wishes
Chery & Reg
Ode to Crab Cracking
Put the crab into the pot
Boil the water nice and hot.
Now sit down and drink some gin
After twenty minutes you can begin.
This crab he didn’t want to die
He did it to feed you and I.
Now put him on his little back
Twist the legs off, hear them crack.
Prise the body from the shell,
If you’ve got this far you’re doing well
Remove and discard the grey white sac
And the dead man’s fingers, we don’t want that.
The body parts harbour delicious meat
So scrape it out and keep to eat.
Now crack the legs and two big claws,
The part that everyone adores.
Put all saved meat back in the shell
Your now “dressed” crab looks really swell!
by Ginny Thorpe